Pelvic Plastic Surgery
Pelvic plastic surgery helps restore the normal support structures of your vagina and lower abdomen. We can repair prolapsed organs, re-attach ligaments, reconstruct the perineal area and address other structural issues related to pelvic pain or low sexual function. We can do this in a variety of ways including open surgery, minimally invasive laparoscopy or robot-assisted procedures. We will discuss the options and your choices with you. 골반필러
Many women suffer from pelvic organ prolapse (POP) that doesn’t respond to conservative treatment such as the use of a vaginal pessary or physical therapy. This is a very common problem in the US and affects up to one in two women. It happens when the muscles of your pelvic floor stretch and weaken during pregnancy or childbirth or as a result of surgery such as a cesarean section. It can also be caused by chronic constipation, coughing or untreated asthma, heavy lifting, long periods of standing or running and even hereditary factors.
When these muscles fail, it causes a herniation of the organs within your pelvic cavity such as your bladder or uterus. It can be painful and restrict your ability to have sex, go to the bathroom or wear certain clothing. In the past, doctors used surgical mesh to help with POP. However, this type of surgery has been linked to higher rates of complications such as mesh poking through the vagina and pelvic pain and problems with sex.
We now have techniques that allow us to reconstruct your lower abdominal and vaginal structures without the use of mesh. These surgeries are called native tissue repairs and we can do them through your vagina, the abdomen or using a laparoscopic or robotic approach. All surgical procedures have risks and you should fully discuss this with your doctor before deciding which is right for you.
Colporrhaphy is a surgical procedure that fixes tears along the anterior (front) and posterior (back) walls of your vagina. It can be performed through your vagina, through the abdomen or with a laparoscope or robot-assisted da Vinci surgery. During this surgery, we separate the back wall of your vagina from the rectum and identify the weak or frayed edges. The strong edges are then sutured together creating a stronger wall between the rectum and your vagina.
Hysteropexy is a surgical procedure that re-suspends your dropped uterus or cervix either by attaching it to the pelvic ligaments through a graft or with a mesh bridge that carries the weight of the uterus on the sacrum. Hysteropexy can be performed through the vagina or the abdomen and is a good option for women who don’t want to have a hysterectomy but want to treat their uterine prolapse. 골반필러
Sacrocolpopexy is a surgical procedure that can be done through an abdominal incision (about 6 inches long) or laparoscopically with or without robotic assistance through 4-5 half-inch incisions. During this operation, straps of permanent medical mesh graft material are placed on the front and back walls of your vagina to replace the original natural support provided by the uterosacral ligaments. This can be done through a traditional sacrocolpopexy or the less invasive version of this surgery called a sacrocolpopexy with native tissue.