Sleeping improvement. : How many hours is the best time to sleep a day?

About Sleeping improvement.


Sleeping improvement. This is one of the questions that I hear a lot around me. It means there are a lot of people who can’t sleep well, right?

​The ideal sleep time is known to be about 8 hours a day (one-third of the day). But in reality, how many modern people can sleep eight hours? 병원마케팅

​There are many factors around you that interfere with sleep, mental/physical stress, and busy work, so I think most people go to bed every day. (Even if I’m behind in work, it’s often past midnight.) ​

If we continue to maintain irregular sleep times for such a long time, the balance of hormones in our body will be broken, and the quality of life will gradually decrease due to insomnia and sleep disorders.

​Today, two pharmacists will learn more about sleep and introduce only three of the products that help Sleeping improvement.


​Principle of Sleeping improvement.


1)Hormones that are involved in sleep.


​There are people who fall asleep as soon as they lie down because they’re tired, right? They can say that the secretion of hormones involved in sleep is going smoothly.

​There are three hormones involved in sleep: serotonin, melatonin, and cortisol. Serotonin, which was secreted during the day, turns into melatonin at night to induce sleep, and cortisol is secreted in the morning to wake up again.

​These three hormones must be secreted smoothly to sleep well and improve sleep, which has a characteristic that changes very greatly due to our mental state and emotional ups and downs.

​In particular, people’s stress levels have increased very much since COVID-19, and they have lived in an environment that increases the level of stress in the body, such as anxiety about the future, changes in working patterns caused by telecommuting, and the news of a surge in the number of confirmed patients every day.

​Perhaps that’s why I feel that there are so many people who complain of sleeplessness among those who come to the pharmacy.


​2)Types of sleep.


REM sleep.

A shallow sleep stage where you dream and remember. It accounts for 20% of all sleep. Relieving mental fatigue.

NON REM sleep.

Sleep stage that’s deep into sleep. It accounts for 80% of all sleep. Rejuvenating energy, recovering from physical fatigue.


3)Changes in brain waves.

EEG can be divided into a total of five categories: gamma waves (fast EEG) when nervous, delta waves when sleeping sound, and alpha waves during RAM sleep.

Delta group.

~3.5 / EEG from deep sleep or coma. / The less awakening you are, the more delta waves increase.


3.5~7 Brain waves that come out when you recall or focus on your memory. / Many neurons that speak in sync are associated.

Alpha wave.

8~12 / When resting, brain waves from the occipital lobe. / It weakens in sleep and large-scale neurons ignite synchronously.


13~30 / EEG related to brain activity when awakening and concentrating. / Related to pathological phenomena and drug effects / Symmetrically distributed on both sides of the brain.

Gamma wave.

31~50 / EEG to help exchange information between cortex and subcortical regions. /

Conscious awakening and REM appears when you’re dreaming.  It can also overlap with beta waves. 병원광고


For Sleeping improvement….

So far, we’ve only talked about three things about why insomnia occurs and what products can help through the process of Sleeping improvement.

​However, insomnia cannot be cured solely with nutritional supplements and health functional foods.

​It is even more important to eat enough high-quality nutrients through healthy food and find your own way to relieve stress.