Hairline Correction

Hairline Correction

Hairline correction is a common surgical procedure that can help to make a receding hairline less noticeable. It can be performed alone or in conjunction with a forehead reduction surgery, and is aimed at reducing the size of the forehead to create better balance and proportions for the face.


The ideal hairline for men and women can be defined in terms of a ratio between the height of the forehead and the width of the nose, mouth, and chin. For most people, a well-established hairline is a good indicator of facial balance and harmony. However, many individuals have a high or overly wide forehead that can make them feel self-conscious about their appearance. This can be caused by heredity, a receding hairline, or even in some cases, a poorly executed brow lift.

There are several ways to correct a high or overly wide forehead, but the most effective methods for long-term results are restorative surgeries. Hairline transplantation is the most popular and successful method of lowering the hairline, but there are also several newer non-invasive treatments that have recently emerged with promising results.강남헤어라인

Non-invasive treatments for a wide forehead include a range of alternative therapies, from low-level light therapy to platelet rich plasma, that have shown a potential to stimulate hair growth. However, these are not a solution for everyone and often require regular upkeep. Whether a client chooses to use one of these options or goes with a more permanent solution like restorative surgery, it is essential to work with an experienced surgeon that has a deep understanding of facial aesthetics and can provide the best possible results.

The first step in a hairline correction is an initial consultation. During this appointment, the surgeon will examine the client to ensure that their candidacy is appropriate for the procedure. They will review the hairline to determine the desired positioning, assess scalp laxity, and discuss any other areas of concern that need attention.압구정모발이식

Hairline design — Before the transplantation, the surgeon will design the new hairline in accordance with their patient’s facial features, goals, and preferences [6]. In general, men’s hairlines should be about 6-8 cm from the brow, while women’s should be about 5-6 cm. Additionally, the surgeon will consider factors such as hair density and natural hair growth patterns when designing a new hairline for the client.

Once the surgeon has completed the design, they will begin to perform the transplant. This can be performed using either the FUT or the FUE method. During the FUT technique, surgeons remove a linear section of hair-bearing skin from the donor area of the scalp and then dissect it into individual follicular units. These are then implanted in the target area of the hairline and vertex. Surgeons will typically leave some follicular units in the anterior transition zone of the forehead to create a desirable macro irregularity that looks natural.

Hairline lowering surgery is usually performed under local anesthesia and sedation. It is a quick and safe procedure that has high rates of satisfaction and can significantly improve the client’s facial aesthetics.